“Most of us carry trauma and memories in our bodies passed down to us by our ancestors.”

Have you ever watched your parents, grandparents, or other members of your family replay a particular pattern or behavior throughout their lives?

You may even be watching your children beginning to do the same thing?

It's because we not only inherit our physical appearance
and our body’s cellular structure...

we can also inherit the behavioral traits, ways of being,
and conditioned mindsets of our ancestors..

There is hope and a way past the generational pain you’ve been carrying!

Recognizing and releasing the behaviors and actions of our ancestors so they no longer affect our quality and way of life is that hope. We do that as we continue to honor the those who have come before us

As we are able to let go we can heal the past
and find a different way to move
into the future.


Seeing the pattern is the first step ---

The next is giving yourself permission to let it go.

This is exactly what this ceremony will help you do.

Here's your free access to the
Giving Back Ceremony and Meditation

Download Now

Thank you for sharing! This amazing book came at the perfect time. (I'm not really surprised) 

I've been working with my 12 archetypes over the last 3 months (really on and off over 14 years) They talk to me like ancestors and take me back so I gain wisdom and understand why I feel the way I do in times of challenge and also when experiencing joy.

Reading all the different authors and their insights confirmed my own intuition.

Thank you again to all the contributors.

 Jenny Leather
Intuitive Healer, Creator of Soul Quest, and co-owner of Soulful Insights Melbourne, Australia

Meet James.

James Kawainui is a Native Hawaiian Healer and an expert in clearing chronic pain, and trauma. Through his Hawaiian ancestral connection James is a trusted guide who is able to read and clear blockages from trauma, illness, or passed down through generational connection. Those working with James experience freedom, renewed hope and a deeper connection with body and soul, beyond what they imagine is possible. As a child, James overcame a rare and life-threatening form of polio with the love and healing touch of his grandmother. His compassion and understanding come from a deeply personal level and he has devoted his life to the service of helping people live positive, productive, pain free lives.

Find James at  https://www.jameskawainui.com/

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